HTTP Methods

This file covers deprecated v1 HTTP API. All the methods of v2 HTTP API is described in OpenAPI/Swagger spec and can be viewed by importing URL into Swagger Editor or Swagger UI demo.


Cayley supports streaming to Gephi via GraphStream.

API v1

Unless otherwise noted, all URIs take a POST command.

Queries and Results


POST Body: Javascript source code of the query

Response: JSON results, depending on the query.


POST Body: GraphQL query

Response: JSON results, depending on the query.


POST Body: JSON MQL query

Response: JSON results, with a query wrapper:

    "result": <JSON Result set>

If the JSON is invalid or an error occurs:

    "error": "Error message"

Query Shapes

Result form:

    "nodes": [{
        "id" : integer,
        "tags": ["list of tags from the query"],
        "values": ["known values from the query"],
        "is_link_node": bool,  // Does the node represent the link or the node (the oval shapes)
        "is_fixed": bool  // Is the node a fixed starting point of the query

    "links": [{
        "source": integer,  // Node ID
        "target": integer,  // Node ID
        "link_node": integer  // Node ID


POST Body: Javascript source code of the query

Response: JSON description of the last query executed.


POST Body: JSON MQL query

Response: JSON description of the query.

Write commands

Responses come in the form

200 Success:

    "result": "Success message."

400 / 500 Error:

    "error": "Error message."


POST Body: JSON quads

    "subject": "Subject Node",
    "predicate": "Predicate Node",
    "object": "Object node",
    "label": "Label node"  // Optional
}]   // More than one quad allowed.

Response: JSON response message


POST Body: Form-encoded body:

  • Key: NQuadFile, Value: N-Quad file to write.

Response: JSON response message


curl http://localhost:64210/api/v1/write/file/nquad -F NQuadFile=@30k.n3


POST Body: JSON quads

    "subject": "Subject Node",
    "predicate": "Predicate Node",
    "object": "Object node",
    "label": "Label node"  // Optional
}]   // More than one quad allowed.

Response: JSON response message.

Last updated

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